
Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Hello Posted by Hello

The Way of the 'Right' is to Create Fear in the Hearts and Minds of Men.

Right wing rulers employ fear mongering that compels populations into acquiescence to agendas that are against their best interests. Minor matters blown out of proportion as well as downright lies are repeatedly regurgitated until the public perceives them as truths. Examples of this 'Big Lie Technique' are Bush's claims of Iraqi WMD's and Saddam's 9/11 involvement.

Now, George W. Bush is trying to sell the whopper that Social Security is in a crisis. He is trying to inflate Social Security's need for minor adjustments into claims of total bankruptcy by 2042 without his major 'reforms' of insecure 'private retirement accounts' and reduced benefits. Actually, the Congressional Budget Office has said IF NOTHING IS DONE AT ALL, SOCIAL SECURITY WILL STILL BE ABLE TO PAY SENIORS IN 2042 MORE THAN IT DOES TODAY IN CONSTANT DOLLARS! Nevertheless, Bush has enlisted Republicans in Congress, Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, the Republican controlled press, Republican TV and radio talk show hosts and strong-armed Social Security management into echoing his 'Big Lie'.

The programs of George W. Bush have a duality. We are presented with an innocent false face that is usually harboring a true objective, which inadvertently enriches the wealthy and corporate while beating down working Americans. And, his Social Security scheme is no exception. It is designed to kill Social Security by diverting its funding to the stock market.

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